THIS IS ME ~ Tanya Bishop
I am a fine-art, children's & family portrait Townsville Photographer in North Queensland.
I have a special love for natural light, movement & redheads with freckles. I am interested in the details that encapsulate you and the people you care about.
If you look beyond what you initially see, you will always see light. I have always been able to see things with light. Life in all it's glory and it's tragedy is one amazing adventure, if we choose to look at it like that. If we are open to the journey, we never know where it will lead us, and that the best way of living is in the moment….for it will pass by in a second…..and the light for photography in Townsville, especially in Winter is totally divine.
If you truly look at the world, you will always see the light.
Tanya Bishop xx

I love to capture movement, light, emotion and details of a moment in time. Life moves quickly. The memories we hold dearly are ever so more treasured when we can hold a photograph in our hand and share the story of our humanity. Being a Townsville Photographer brings with it, the delight of the North Queensland light.

I am Beyond the Spectrum Photography. My favorate type of photography is to capture children and I love fine art. What I want to be able to do is to create famiy photography in the form of fine art that you will be able to look back on with the warmth of memory. Each family's photography experience will be different as is each person's family, their history, their life, and their future story. These moments become your future generations history. To be able to capture part of that, for you, brings me a feeling mixed with humility and delight, Tanya Bishop xx
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One of the most amazing philosophers of our time here on earth is Kahlil Gibran. He suggested that we as parents “are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth.” We create these little human beings and then we try to teach them how to be independent in their own right. Sometimes we get it right and sometimes we don’t, however it’s certainly a journey throughout the process. I have four children and each of them are unique unto themselves which I believe to be a success. Two of them are already grown and independent successful human beings surrounding themselves in a love filled world. My goal is to continue to create that same success for my younger two. I see so many beautiful family's who want their family photography to capture the essence of their little people. That's why fine art mixed with family photography is so unique. To capture their inner essence and be able to freeze it into a still moment that can be remembered in time is in itself magic, Tanya Bishop xx
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Our home is our heart. It's the most trusted place we as a family centre our universe. Family photography at home is the space where we make memories, where we test each others love. Where we laugh and cry and grow together. Sometimes, this is the space to capture those true heartfelt moments Tanya Bishop xx
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Family, one of lifes amazing blessings. A group of people that choose to love us, with all our amazing traits, joys, struggles and adventures. I certainly have come to see that family has become more unique than it ever has before. What a blessing to be able to bring people that we love into our orbit and call them family. I love is like music, some high notes, some low notes but always a beautiful song. I see many unique families who come together to create their own music and for that I'm very grateful, T xx
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Graduation time. A time of excitement, relief and stress all rolled into that beautiful rollercoaster of life. I always say that graduation is really a time of celebration for parents. It takes a huge amount of time, energy, money and sacrifice to week after week encourage our children to make it to the “beginning point”. I say beginning point, because even though it’s a time of endings, it’s certainly the beginning of adult life, hence the symbolic time of celebrations. A beautiful quote by Rascal Flatts is “My wish for you is that this life becomes all that you want it to be. Your dreams stay big, your worries stay small and that you never need to carry more than you can hold.” If our young people can hold onto a small part of the dreams that we hold for them, then we can only let go and watch the journey unfold for them with love and support, T xx
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This is my son and his wife. They were married recently. Sometimes the lead up was stressful for them, trying to manage what other people expected them to create for their perfect day and the contrast of what they wanted to create based on their own unique desires. As is often the case, the stress in the lead up is unnecessarily needed because the end result is blissful, as it was for Joseph and Courtney. What a magnificent three day experience we had, bringing together two families to celebrate two peoples love for each other. Not sweating the small stuff is something that we often don’t learn until later in life after experience teaches us. At the end of the day, no matter what was created, who came, what everyone wore or how much was spent, the only thing left of that spectacular day are the memories that we hold dearly and the images that were created to record for all time. That’s something to remember, T xx
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When I was a little girl, about five years old, I can remember learning to read. I used to find a book and squish myself into the little space under the desk where the chair pushes into. In a home that was in turmoil it was a safe place for me. I remember the wonder that was created in my mind as I learned to read the words. That wonder has stayed with me in the formation of being able to see in my minds eye. I think it is an element of childhood that has stayed with me into adulthood; an element that has stayed the course throughout much trauma. After working for many years with women and children who have also experienced much trauma and turmoil, it amazes me that within the chaos they are still able to see and experience elements of wonder. A sign of hope. Holding onto that wonder in my photography through the creation of Fine Art is a way in which I can hold the space for time eternal, T xx
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I like to sit outside of the box. I have found a way to be comfortable with that. It’s taken me the majority of my life to find that space. It’s about finally being happy within myself to know that it’s ok if I don’t see things the same way as others, or if I don’t look the same as what is expected as a woman. It’s ok to be unique. Sometimes I like that in my creativity too, and owning that space and holding it allows for that to happen. I love it when others have this same belief system and we join together to create something a little different, T xx
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